Wash your frickin’ hands. Do I have to tell you again.

Hey friends. I hope all is well!

Anyone that is or has been one of my clients knows this as I repeat it over and over again during the class. WASH YOUR HANDS, which is the best way to prevent food borne illness. Maybe I should buy of these for my classes?

Here is an article from CNN which brings it home.

‘Americans love to eat out.

But each time they dine in a restaurant or wait in line during a lunchtime run to the nearest sandwich shop, fast-food or salad chain, they’re literally placing their wellbeing in the hands of people hired to prepare their meals.

Why? Because poor personal hygiene, especially inadequate handwashing, is a big problem in the food services industry.

Food workers wash their hands as they should only one in three times, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The consequence: Germs spread from food workers’ hands to food, which can trigger an outbreak of dangerous foodborne illness in restaurants.

By improving handwashing practices, food workers can be a critical part to preventing outbreaks of diseases like norovirus, Salmonella, and E. coli, it said.

It’s a fight that Christine Schindler, a biomedical engineer and inventor, has taken up over the past seven years’

New York-based PathSpot id deploying handwash scanning devices in restaurants that can detect if employees have adequately washed their hands.

Click on this link for the entire article.



Happy Washing!

Thanks again for all of your support friends!

Saludos, Chef Tony


About Tony

A Gabacho Chef in Mexico
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