- Tamarindo Flowers
- Tamarindo Pods
- Cacao Pods
The Mexykan Ice Cream Club Flavors for July deliver the unique tastes, textures and aromas that always satisfy your cravings.
Hurry and get your fix before it’s all gone!
Tangy Tamarindo Sorbet with Fresh Ginger and Green Cardamom Pods. It’s Sweet and Sour Tamarindo from Bajos de Chila, with icy hot Fresh Locally Grown Ginger Root scented wonderfully with Green Cardamom Pods from Guatemala. This sorbet is a real palate cleanser, perfectly refreshing after a spicy enchilada dinner.
Next is a rich, creamy and chocolatey, Chocolate Buttermilk/Yogurt Super Premium Ice Cream. A frozen custard; made using 70% Cacoa Belgian Style Chocolate from Turin, Fresh Dairy Cream, Alpura brand plain unsweetened all natural Yogurt for a nice tangy complement to the intensely profound and complex chocolate flavors, fresh dairy cream, fresh egg yolks and don’t forget Mascobado sugar to smooth it all out. And smooth it is, it will slide down easy. Bet you can’t eat just one bite!
Also available;
Black Diamond Watermelon Sorbet,
Beats the hell out of a Jolly Rancher any day.
Black Diamond Watermelon seedless puree mixed with a touch of Fresh Local Lime Juice to balance the natural sweetness of the sugar. True and Deep Red Ripe Watermelon taste and color, sure to quench your thirst as well as a treat to your senses. Get it while it lasts. Place an order now.
How about the ever popular Ataulfo Mango without the Mess Sorbet; locally grown Golden Ataulfo Mangos always have a smooth creamy texture and the rich and spicy flavor most prefer, along with a bit of Fresh Local Lime Juice and Mascobado sugar.
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The Mexykan
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